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Using Signage to Reinforce Your Brand Identity

One of the most important features a sign on your building has is to promote the branding of your business. Your brand is what makes customers recognize your company and reminds them of what you offer. Tupp Signs offers these suggestions to make sure that your signage matches the brand message you are trying to convey.


One of the things including your branding in signage does is promote consistency. By using the same colors, fonts, graphics, and messaging, your customers are more likely to recognize your business, and this will encourage them to come inside your place of business. It also helps new customers begin to recognize your business as soon as they see the sign.

Increase Awareness

Signage on your building also brings awareness to your brand, making it more visible not only to existing customers but to new customers as well. This is important especially if your business is surrounded by others as it makes your company more recognizable than those around it. Because your brand is part of the sign, customers quickly recognize which is yours and are more likely to patronize your business over your competitors.

Increased Revenue

As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to increase revenue. Including your branding on your signage is a great way to do so. Because your sign will be recognizable as part of your company due to the branding, it is more likely a customer will reach out to you for their needs.

Build Trust

Your brand is designed to build trust among your customers and as a way to attract new customers. A business is only as good as the trust they build among consumers which is why branding is so important. Every consumer wants to trust a brand before they purchase a service or product and if you keep your brand consistent, there is a better chance that customers will trust that your business follows through on its promises.


There may be a time when you might want to rebrand your company as well. This may be because you have pivoted in your market, moved to a new location, or are simply upgrading your branding to meet the need of today’s consumers. Even the most classic branding needs an occasional upgrade. This does not mean you need to dramatically change your branding. In fact, even small changes to your branding can give your business a quick upgrade.

Sign Updating

Even if you don’t plan to upgrade your branding, there are things you can do to your signage to draw attention to your business, according to Tupp Signs. Changing the lighting on your sign can bring attention to your brand, whether you use backlighting or switch to LED lighting which is often brighter. Adding interactive elements that match your brand is also a great way to draw attention to your business.

Know the Rules

Before you do anything to your signage, however, it is important to understand the rules in the area of your business. Your city and even your landlord may have signage rules which you will need to follow before you install any type of sign. Some areas may prohibit lighted signs while others may restrict the size of a sign outside your business.

Functional Signs

You can also include your branding on functional signs, both inside and outside your building. These are signs that assist your customers, such as pointing out where the restrooms are or identifying where items are located on store shelves. You may also want the signage to announce sales as well. Although your outdoor signage should always contain your brand, adding branding to your functional signs keeps your business in the eye of the customer even when they are inside your business.

Display Personality

Keep in mind that you are also your brand and there is nothing wrong with adding your own personality to your signage. Think about creative ways you can stay true to your branding but add your own spin on things. For example, if you own a seafood restaurant, your restroom directional signs could include seaside graphics with the doors labeled “Gulls” and “Buoys.”

Remember Doors and Windows

When you are creating signage, don’t forget your doors and windows. Use temporary signage on the doors and windows that promote your branding as well. Sign companies can create decals that can be placed on a window or door that are easy to remove once a sale or special event is over. These are excellent for holidays or anniversary celebrations that may occur just once each year. You may also want to use car door magnets or lawn signs that will promote your business as well.

Check the Proofs

Sign companies usually provide you with proof of your signage. Be sure to proofread it carefully. If possible, ask someone else to look at the proof and provide you with feedback or correct any typos you may have missed. You don’t want your sign to contain grammatical or punctuation errors. You also want to be sure that everything is spelled properly, and that the layout is easy to read.

It is critical that your business not only promote your branding on signage outside your building, but it may also be beneficial to consider that branding inside as well. If you are considering rebranding or need a sign upgrade, contact Tupp Signs today by calling 302-322-1600 or by filling out the easy online form.

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