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Signage Trends: How Monument Signs Are Changing in 2021

Signage Trends: How Monument Signs Are Changing in 2021

Did you know that there are big benefits to using a monument sign? As you drive through your neighborhood, you probably pass by hundreds of them for office buildings, medical parks, shopping centers, and churches. Many of these signs are low to the ground and are made of stone or brick. Some businesses use these monument signs to comply with local ordinances. However, that does not mean you have to have a boring sign for your business. If you are looking to makeover your monument sign or want a new one, here are a few of the top trends for the upcoming year.

Match Your Existing Architecture

Many monument signs for businesses use stone, brick, or stucco as the base. With these material options, you can match the existing design and architecture of your building. For example, if you have a red brick building, think about creating your monument sign with the same materials. You can design a monument sign that will be used as a “matching accessory” for your business. In addition to that, a matching monument sign gives you the chance to build your brand by creating a streamlined appearance across your building.

If you can’t find the exact materials to replicate the look of your building, foam is a great alternative. This material allows you to match the appearance of your architecture without the need to use the same building components. Use your monument signs to compliment the landscape theme with a unique style and color palette. When working with a professional sign company, they can use these elements to streamline your appearance for a consistent feel and aesthetic. You might not know it, but a uniform look is one of the best ways to build your brand in the local community.

Carve Up Some Creativity

If you want to give your monument sign an “old school” appearance, it might be the time to use a carved sign for your business. Using a carved monument sign sends a particular message to your returning and potential customers. While you might think that carvings can only be done with wood, you will be surprised to learn that you can use other materials for these intricate designs. A custom carved sign can be created with multiple materials to add some uniqueness to your business brand. There is another plus as well. With the proper maintenance, these custom carvings have a longer lifespan than other options.

LEDs Light It Up

In general, monument signs are close to the ground and have a low profile. They are offered as non-illuminated or illuminated versions. If you are looking to capture the attention of drivers or pedestrians, then you should consider using lights to bring them over to your business. Some modern monument signs will use a single spotlight to shine on them for the nighttime. These lights are an easy way to illuminate your sign without breaking the bank.

Illumination can even help during the day. You can use many different graphics and designs for your monument. However, LEDs are one of the top choices. These lighting options reduce your carbon footprint, and they last for a very long time. By adding internal lighting, you can create a visually stunning inner lighting effect. LEDs can be added to the inside of the cabinet, the channel letters, or a digital message center. For those who want a modern look, you cannot go wrong with LED lighting. This option is a great way to improve your company’s current monument sign.

Fabricate the Foam

With monument signs, they can convey a sense of class. That message is helpful for those businesses that want to attract higher-end customers. Along with that, high-quality signs also show that the business cares about its image. Masonry is costly, and it can be a dealbreaker for those smaller companies that want a great-looking sign.

As mentioned before, foam is an excellent alternative to those expensive materials. Monuments with foam have veneers that replicate the look of stone or brick. Not only do they have a classy appearance, but they can withstand those outdoor elements for many years. Foam is not always the cheapest option, but these signs are easier to replace than their brick and stone counterparts. However, if you are looking for a monument with the best longevity, you cannot beat the beauty of a natural material.

Use a Curved Design

Another popular trend is a curved monument sign design. When you see these signs in front of a building or entrance, they look impressive. Like most monument signs, they can be fabricated from stucco, wood, brick, or high-density foam. On the sign, you can wrap the name of your business so that it is visible from any direction. In addition to that, these signs will pop out from those traditional choices. If you are looking to stand out, consider using a curved monument sign for your business.

Get Interactive

Finally, if you want to interact with your customers, some monument signs can add a digital element. You can use a digital board to send a message to your current customers. Plus, these signs are known as effective attention grabbers. These signs are great if you want to update your statement daily, weekly, or seasonally. The possibilities are endless when you use digital signage with a monument sign.

Design a Monument Sign for Your Needs

It can be challenging but rewarding to design your own monument sign. However, remember to focus on your brand. By sticking to the right look for your sign, you can make a great impression with your customers, and they will start to associate your monument sign with your brand.

Tupp Signs Can Help!

When you need help designing monument signs for your business, Tupp Signs has the experience to assist you. We will walk you through the process to find the right feel and look for your piece. If you are considering a monument sign or other types of digital signage, please give us a call at 302-322-1600.


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