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3 Basic Functions of Signs

3 Basic Functions of Signs

When you are purchasing signage for your business, the main reason you are purchasing such signage is to perform a certain function. There are various different functions that signage can perform, but each piece of signage will need to be designed in a different way to make sure that it functions in the way you wish. For example, location signage is designed for different reasons than branding signage. When looking at all the various functions signs are made for, there are three main (common) functions of business signs. Here is a breakdown of the 3 basic functions of signs.


Communicating Your Brand or Business Identity

If you are looking into adding signage to your business, the first function you will want your sign to successfully do is to communicate who you are, and what you do and give an indication of your brand values.

Commonly, most businesses will want to make sure that their signage strongly indicates their location and where their main stores or workshops are based. The best way to make your sign the most effective it can be is for it to be easily recognizable and be seen from a long distance away. The further away your sign can be recognized, the better advertising your business has!

If your business is placed by a main road, then having signage that is bold and can be seen from far away will help potential customers locate you and turn off the road in time. A sign does not have to have a lot of information or wording to be effective. One of the best brands that have effective signage is the fast food chain Mcdonald’s. With a simple bright colored ‘M’, the sign effectively shows the potential customer who the brand is and where to enter to access the business. Using such a large sign with bright colors will help the advertisement be seen from long distances away.


Advertise Purchasing Your Products Or Services

The main purpose behind advertising is to drive potential customers to your products and services in hope that they will purchase from you. The second basic function of purchasing signage for your business is to make sure that you drive more potential customers into your business. The way a sign does this is it will create awareness of your business and what you have to offer that potential customer directly for all to see, loud and clear. The clearer your sign is, the better it will work on potential customers.

Signs can also be used to promote special deals or special services your business is providing during the different seasons. If well designed, the sign could be seen by hundreds of people per day. It is common that a potential customer will need to see signage or a reminder of a new business over three times before it starts to register. A sign is a simple and cost-effective way of constantly reminding hundreds of people who pass by your business of what you do.

There are lots of different varieties of signs that are either suitable for outdoor use or indoor use. When you purchase your sign, you will want the sign to complement your other advertising to function efficiently for the consumer. Making sure that your sign matches your interiors and business design will help brand your business, making it easier for a potential consumer to understand who you are and what you are about, while also storing visual memory of your business.


Provide Instruction

Last but not least, the third basic function of a business sign is to provide instruction to your customers. This could be seen in a variety of ways such as giving directions to access your business or pointing to where you would like your customers’ eyes to be drawn.

A sign is most commonly used to give directions. Both outdoor and indoor signs are used for this function, especially outdoor signs that aim to point potential customers to where they can easily park their vehicles in order to visit your establishment. Directing your customer is one of the easiest sales techniques. If a customer is confused about where to go, how to get to you, where to park and how to pay, they will tend to give up. If a potential customer has to face multiple obstacles in order to make sense of how to purchase a service or product, they most likely will not want to part with their money and could end up taking their purchase elsewhere. A simple sign explaining the way in, such as ‘ENTRANCE’ is one of the easiest ways to give simple directions, ease your customer’s mind and guide your customer to provide you business. Often many people overthink what they should have printed on their signs but sometimes taking it back to basics is the way to go.


How Can Tupp Signs Help?

When it comes to designing signage, Tupps Signs can sit down with your business and take the time to understand what your business wants to achieve through its signage. We have the experience to create eye-catching and personalized signage thanks to our expert team.

Tupp Signs specializes in the conceptualization of your ideas, as well as the manufacturing and installation of your customized design. At Tupp Signs, we are able to offer budget-friendly designs that are catered to what your business needs. Our main goal is to make sure that the sign functions in the way your business desires.

If you are interested in creating signage for your business or want more information such as quotes or advice, please fill out the contact form!

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