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Business Color Wrap

What Color Should I Wrap My Business Vehicle?

A well-decorated business vehicle can be one of the best advertising campaigns, but only if you make the right choices. When you think about what color you should wrap your business vehicle, you should think about how to grab the eye of your potential customers, color is one of the most important considerations. With that in mind, let’s discuss this issue from the most neutral perspective possible.

Tip #1: Use A Consistent Color Scheme

Most companies have a particular color scheme that they use in their branding. For instance, McDonald’s always uses red and yellow, while Pepsi has always used red and blue. Over time, people come to associate these colors with those brands.

Although your business is probably not as famous as our examples, you should still try to create this subconscious association. You can do this by using the same color scheme for all your promotional material. Naturally, this will include the wrap for your promo vehicle.

Tip #2: Don’t Let Your Colors Fight For Dominance

A good corporate color scheme should consist of two colors, although this is not an absolute rule. Once you have chosen a color scheme for your business, you will need to decide which of them will be the dominant color. If you attempt to use both colors equally, their appearances will clash and create visual conflict.

You can help to quell this conflict by using dominant and recessive colors in their proper places. There are certain colors that simply attract more attention than others, and these are the dominant ones. By using a recessive color as your secondary color, you ensure that there is harmony between the colors of your vehicle wrap.

Tip #3: Understand The Psychology Of Color

It is important to understand that people respond to color in an emotional and primal way. This is an instinct that probably goes all the way back to the dawn of humanity. As such, no one really knows why most people subconsciously associate certain colors with certain things.

As with anything relating to psychology, in choosing what color you should wrap your business vehicle, we should remember that these are general rules. There will always be individuals who fall outside the norm, so don’t expect everyone to have the same response. However, researchers have generally found that most people make the following color-based associations.

Sports Car Colors

  • Gray: As you might imagine, this one is a middle ground between white and black. It exudes class and subtlety with a traditional flair, making one think of old traditions and luxuriousness at the same time. Gray is also a very neutral color and can go with almost any other.
  • Blue: Blue is usually associated with integrity, honor, and honesty. It tends to give a more passive and peaceful appearance than red, which is why it can blend so well with red. This is also a great color to use when respectability is the key factor. Like the deep blue of the ocean, blue tends to have a soothing effect on the human mind.
  • Black: Black can sometimes have dark and negative associations, mostly due to the natural fear of the unknown. However, it also exudes power, wealth, and a classic look. People also tend to associate it with elegance and sophistication.
  • White: This color tends to be associated with innocence and cleanliness. As such, it is very common to see white in promotional material for cleaning products. White is also a neutral color, so it goes well with pretty much anything else.
  • Red: Red is a color that represents strength and vitality. There are few (if any) colors that grab the human eye as effectively as red, which is why it is so common in corporate logos and vehicle wraps. Science has even determined that the color red can induce physical excitement which is measured using heart rate and breathing rate.

Other Colors

  • Yellow: This color tends to be associated with bright and sunny scenes, and with joyful exuberance in general. Bright yellow has these effects, while dull yellows tend to be associated with sickness and filth. Thus, you should stick to the bright hues with something like a vehicle wrap.
  • Green: This color is most often associated with nature, spring, and freshness in general. Any product that is made from plants should consider including a natural shade of green. This color is also often associated with money and wealth.
  • Orange: Orange has a set of associations that is very similar to red. It usually makes people think of energy and activity and tends to bring memories of warm youthful days. It also tends to be associated with health and vitality. Bright orange is one of the best attention-getters, which is why it’s often used for caution tape and hunter’s vests.
  • Pink: This one is traditionally associated with femininity, and also with young children. In some cases, pink might also be a good choice for pet-related products as well. Pink tends to have a calming effect and is usually associated with peace.
  • Purple: Purple is a color that makes people think of several things at once. It has a royal and dignified appearance, much like its cousin blue. It is also a softer color that invokes a sense of calm, but it also tends to be associated with the weird, mysterious, and unknown.
  • Brown: In terms of branding, this is a color for those who want to attract a rugged audience. It’s the color of mud and dirt, making it the color of hard work and rowdy play. Brown isn’t perfect for every vehicle wrap, as it doesn’t stand out too much, but it can be very fitting for those whose brands fit.


At first glance, it might seem as if this choice is just a matter of opinion. After all, people tend to have different color preferences, so there is no guarantee that any color scheme will appeal to everyone. When you think about what optimal color you should wrap your business vehicle, there is more to this question than most would guess. We hope that we have answered your questions and helped you to make an informed decision that will benefit you and your business. Call our team here at Tupp Signs for all your vehicle wrapping needs, including repair. For the finest wrap repair services (and many other signage and branding solutions), you can call us at 302-322-1600.

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