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  • info@tuppsigns.com
  • Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm

What Makes a Quality Business Sign?

You have the comprehensive marketing and business plan, the amazing storefront, a well-crafted website, and a team of passionate employees who are ready to go. But you are still struggling to get people through the front door. What’s happening? If it seems like the competition is gaining momentum and you are standing still, you might want to compared their business signage with yours.

Having the right sign—one that evokes a professional image—can change everything. But what makes for an attractive and effective business sign? How do you know a design is going to appeal to your customers?

We aim to answer those questions and more. If you want tips on how to create a quality business sign, keep reading.



First and foremost, in order for a sign to be considered effective, it needs to be seen. This means that a sign cannot be too small, especially if you want it to be seen from a distance. Some examples of signs that grab your attention are fast food restaurant signs, like Burger King and McDonald’s. You recognize these signs for a couple of reasons.

The Golden Arches, for example, is a well-known feature—one that is ingrained in your mind. You could recognize the Starbucks sign a mile away, too, right? In other words, these signs keep the qualities of the brand in mind. Think about your brand identity or your logo when designing your business sign, and make sure the sign is big enough to be seen from the road.

Also, leave white space. Do not consider white space as “blank space.” It is a piece of the design that adds to the visibility and appeal. Ideally, you want to leave about 30 to 40 percent of the sign white. This eliminates the possibility of overwhelming the viewer with too much color, text, and imagery.



Fonts should be readable from across a large distance. This assists with visibility and the overall professional feel of the business sign. While fancy typefaces might look appealing on paper, you have to keep in mind that people are going to be moving by your business a high speeds. Complex script is difficult for the human eye to decipher when moving at 55 mph or more.

For your storefront signage, it is best to stick to block letters and appropriate capitalization. Make sure the font is straight, legible, and bold.

ABCs of signage as your #1 marketing tool

Make the sign simple, but not just in design. A simple, succinct message will speak volumes. When it comes to making a quality business sign, the less you say, the more you get your point across. Think about billboards and other successful signage examples. Usually, there are a couple of key points that can be viewed at a distance, giving the reader the essentials as well as more information to do their own research, such as a web address or physical store location.

That way, you convey a lot of essential information in a short amount of time. After that, it is up to the potential customer to decide whether to stop in or not.



Now, you already read about how the overall design of a business sign can affect the visibility of it. But how should you arrange the content and use color to make signage more effective? There are two things to consider: contrasting colors and vivid images.

In terms of color, you want to use shades that do not blend but rather contrast one another to make the typeface much more visible throughout night and day, depending on your shop hours. Research has found that black lettering on white is one of the best combinations, but you can also use dark blue and red text on yellow or white backgrounds for heightened visibility.

Secondly, you want your signage to match the personality of your brand and business. Don’t choose icons or colors that do not match your brand image. Otherwise, people will have difficulties making the connection between the sign and your business. Additionally, choose clear imagery that is not difficult to see or that does not mar the lettering of your sign.



Business signs need not only look good, they need to be durable to withstand the elements. You should always consider investing in a sign that is made of weather-resistant materials that will not fade due to prolonged sun exposure or crack during frigid temperature. Think about vinyl and acrylic and metals for resilience, as well as LED illumination, so you use less energy, too.

After all, a broken sign can say as much as a poorly designed business sign. Potential customers might assume that your broken sign means your location is closed or that you are not reputable. That is not the first impression you wish to make.


Final Thoughts on Quality Business Signage

Business signs are more than just a wayfaring marker. Signs are a branding device, a vital part of your business identity, and they can be used to attract people to check out your products and services. Without quality signage, you will lose out to the competition. If you want to be the best, you have to show you are the best!

Are you unsure about what makes a decent business sign still? Don’t worry! That’s what we are here for. Our design and marketing team can work with you to create a visually appealing sign that guarantees results. Not only that, but our team can explain the how and why the design will work for you.

Thinking about getting new signage for your business? Have questions about what kind of signs are available? Feel free to get in touch by filling out the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

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