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Monument Signs for Multiple Tenants? Unveiling the Cost-Effectiveness of Shared Visibility

Eye-Catching Visibility, Shared Costs? Can Monument Signs Work for Multiple Tenants?

In today’s competitive business landscape, attracting customers is paramount. For businesses nestled within shared locations like strip malls, office complexes, or co-working spaces, individual signage can feel limiting. While crucial for brand recognition, individual signs can clutter the visual landscape and strain budgets.

What if there was a way to achieve high visibility and brand identity, all while sharing the cost? Enter the monument sign: a potential game-changer for businesses in shared locations.


Key Takeaways

  • Shared Visibility and Cost Efficiency: Monument signs for multiple tenants offer a unique combination of high visibility and cost efficiency, making them an ideal choice for businesses in shared locations.
  • Unified Brand Image: These signs contribute to a cohesive and professional brand image for all tenants, enhancing the overall appeal of the location.
  • Strategic Investment: The shared cost of monument signs makes it a strategic investment for both property managers and tenants, leading to potential increases in occupancy rates and brand visibility.


Comparison Table: Individual Signage vs. Shared Monument Sign

Criteria Individual Signage Shared Monument Sign
Cost Higher due to separate materials, fabrication, and installation for each sign. Lower, as costs are shared among tenants.
Visibility May be limited due to smaller size or clutter. High, due to prominent placement and size.
Maintenance Handled individually, potentially increasing costs. Shared among tenants, reducing the cost burden.
Brand Image Can vary widely between businesses. Unified and professional appearance for all businesses.
Impact on Property Appeal Minimal collective impact. Significantly enhances curb appeal and property value.
Monument Signs for Multiple Tenants? Unveiling the Cost-Effectiveness of Shared Visibility
Monument Signs for Multiple Tenants? Unveiling the Cost-Effectiveness of Shared Visibility

The Power of Monument Signs

Imagine a freestanding sign with a substantial, impressive structure, crafted from high-quality materials like brick, stone, or metal. That’s the essence of a monument sign. These permanent signs project a sense of prestige and brand stability, making them ideal for communicating professionalism and attracting attention for all tenants within a shared location.

Key Benefits for Multiple Businesses:

  • High Visibility from Long Distances: Monument signs excel at grabbing attention from afar, thanks to their size and strategic placement. This ensures potential customers can easily locate your shared space, benefiting all tenants.
  • Customizable Design for Shared Success: Monument signs offer extensive design flexibility. Accommodate multiple tenants by incorporating logos, customizing messaging, or even adding landscaping elements to create a visually cohesive display.
  • Shared Investment, Elevated Image: By splitting the cost of a monument sign among multiple tenants, you achieve significant cost savings compared to individual signage. This allows all businesses to project a more prestigious image without breaking the bank.

Applications Tailored for Shared Locations:

  • Shopping Centers & Strip Malls: A well-designed monument sign becomes the welcoming beacon for your entire shopping center, attracting customers and clearly showcasing the diverse range of businesses within.
  • Office Complexes & Co-working Spaces: Monument signs can elevate the professional image of your entire office complex, while still allowing for clear tenant identification through well-designed signage elements.
  • Business Parks & Industrial Estates: In a competitive industrial setting, a monument sign can effectively distinguish your business park from the competition, benefiting all tenants.

By leveraging the power of monument signs, businesses in shared locations can achieve greater visibility, project a unified professional image, and all at a cost-effective price point.

Cost-Effectiveness of Shared Monument Signs 

Individual Signage vs. Shared Monument Sign: The Cost Equation

While individual signage offers a sense of autonomy, the associated costs can quickly add up. Consider the expenses of:

  • Materials: Individual signs require materials for each business, impacting the overall budget.
  • Fabrication: Each sign needs to be fabricated separately, increasing fabrication costs.
  • Installation: Multiple installations translate to higher labor costs compared to a single monument sign installation.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance for individual signs becomes a collective burden for all tenants.

Shared Monument Sign: Splitting the Bill, Boosting Visibility

Monument signs offer a cost-effective alternative by distributing expenses among multiple tenants. Here’s how the breakdown might look:

  • Design: A professional designs a single, cohesive monument sign, reducing design costs compared to individual signs.
  • Permitting: The permitting process applies to the monument sign itself, not requiring individual permits for each tenant.
  • Construction: A single monument sign construction project is more economical than multiple sign installations.
  • Maintenance: Shared maintenance responsibility for a single sign simplifies upkeep and reduces overall costs.

The ROI Advantage: A Win-Win for All

Both property managers and tenants can experience a positive return on investment (ROI) with shared monument signs:

For Property Managers:

  • Increased Occupancy Rates: High-impact signage can attract more potential tenants, leading to higher occupancy rates.
  • Enhanced Curb Appeal: A well-designed monument sign elevates the overall aesthetic of the property, making it more attractive to tenants.

For Tenants:

  • Improved Brand Visibility: Shared monument signs ensure prominent visibility for all tenants at a fraction of the cost of individual signage.
  • Professional Image: Monument signs project a sense of prestige and professionalism, reflecting well on all businesses within the shared location.

Making Shared Monument Signs Work 

Design Considerations for Cohesive Branding

Accommodating multiple tenants on a monument sign requires thoughtful design strategies:

  • Logo Placement & Hierarchy: Clearly showcase all tenant logos, potentially using size or placement to establish hierarchy if necessary.
  • Consistent Messaging: Maintain a consistent visual style in terms of fonts, colors, and overall layout for a professional look.
  • Material Selection & Color Palette: Choose materials and colors that complement the monument sign’s design and blend harmoniously with the surrounding architecture.

Tenant Communication & Collaboration

The success of a shared monument sign hinges on clear communication and collaboration among all tenants:

  • Open Dialogue: Regular communication ensures all tenant needs and preferences are considered during the design process.
  • Approval Process: Establish a clear approval process for the final design to ensure everyone is satisfied with the outcome.

Compliance with Local Regulations

Before installation, it’s crucial to:

  • Check Zoning Ordinances: Review local zoning regulations regarding monument sign size, placement, and illumination to ensure compliance.
  • Obtain Permits: Secure the necessary permits from local authorities before proceeding with the monument sign project.

FAQs: Monument Signs for Multiple Tenants

  1. What are monument signs?
    • Monument signs are large, freestanding structures made from durable materials, designed to feature multiple businesses within a shared location.
  2. How do monument signs benefit multiple tenants?
    • They provide high visibility, shared cost efficiency, and a unified professional image, benefiting all businesses within the shared location.
  3. Can the design of a monument sign be customized?
    • Yes, monument signs offer design flexibility, allowing for customization to suit the branding needs of all tenants.
  4. What is the cost advantage of shared monument signs?
    • Sharing the costs of design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance among tenants reduces the financial burden on individual businesses.
  5. How does a shared monument sign impact brand visibility?
    • It significantly increases brand visibility by showcasing all tenants prominently, attracting more potential customers.
  6. Are there any regulatory considerations for installing a monument sign?
    • Yes, it’s essential to comply with local zoning ordinances and secure the necessary permits before installation.


Monument signs offer a powerful and cost-effective solution for businesses in shared locations. By leveraging shared visibility and spreading the investment, tenants can achieve significant cost savings while elevating their brand image. For property managers, shared monument signs translate to a more attractive property and potentially higher occupancy rates.

Considering a shared monument sign for your business complex? Discuss the possibilities with your fellow tenants and contact a professional signage company today. Our experienced team can guide you through the design and permitting process, ensuring your shared monument sign becomes a beacon for attracting customers and boosting brand visibility for all tenants.

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