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How Long Will Illuminated Channel Letter Signs Last?

How Long Will Illuminated Channel Letter Signs Last?

One of the questions often asked when businesses are shopping around for new signage is, “How long will illuminated channel letter signs last”? There are a couple of facts that determine the lifespan of your channel letters, including the materials they were made with, where they are placed, and the amount of maintenance received. With care, your channel letter signs can last for 5-10 years or even longer. But can you determine how long your illuminated channel letter signs will last? Let’s find out.


Choose Better Materials For Long-Lasting Signage

Channel letter signs are commonly made with either acrylic or polycarbonate and aluminum sheeting. By nature, these materials are built to stand up to the elements. Aluminum, for one, doesn’t rust, so you do not have to worry about the returns on your channel letters crumbling and exposing the lights to moisture. However, if you want to maximize the longevity of the channel letter sign, weigh your options when it comes to acrylic or polycarbonate.

Acrylic has a clearer look, but it can crack easily. Polycarbonate runs the risk of getting scratched. Both can last 10 years or longer without turning yellow or growing brittle. Overall, though, polycarbonate is the winner when it comes to durability.


LED Lights Do Not Last Forever

One of the reasons people love channel letters is that they are illuminated by gorgeous LED lights. You can use these LEDs to create front- or back-lit signage that looks amazing wherever you put it. That said, LED lights, which are touted for their longevity and low energy costs, are not built to last forever. When running constantly, LED lights tend to burn out within 4-6 years.

On a typical LED bulb package, the lifespan is stated to be 10 years. However, consider the location of your channel letters—indoor or outdoor—and the temperature of where it operates. Outside, an LED bulb with a lifespan of 10 years may only last 8. Channel letters hung indoors and used only at night may instead glow for 12-20 years, depending on how cool the area is kept and for the amount of time the lights stay on.

Furthermore, even if the LED lights in your channel letters meet the manufacturer’s given lifetime, going beyond them leads to something called “luminous decay,” which is where the amount of light given off gradually decreases over time.


Sign Placement Affects Lifespan

When considering how long illuminated channel letter signs will last, consider where your sign is located. Take, for instance, a sign that is on a building by the beach. Salt air accelerates the deterioration of various materials. Does the sign face the sun, too? Then only colored elements may fade or crack because of sun damage. Fortunately, choosing high-quality materials can buffer sun damage to some degree.

You must also consider the weather and temperatures. Some signs may crack during extremely cold days or get damaged when it rains, snows, or hails. LED lights, also, can be sapped by cold temperatures, leading to a reduced lifespan. Conversely, exposure to high heat may drain your illuminated channel letter sign.


Perform Routine Maintenance

So long as you perform routine maintenance on your channel letter signs, you can keep them going for many years to come. Channel letter signs are not impervious to damage; you may need to call in a signage professional to repair structural or electrical issues. It is also not uncommon for panels to crack or break.

You can also do some maintenance yourself, such as washing away grime that builds up on the faces of the channel letters, checking to make sure pests aren’t getting at the wires, and clearing away any debris from storms, if possible. Indoors, remove dust and check on the wires from time to time.

Keep in mind that channel letters made with acrylic need to be cleaned with gentle supplies. Common household cleaning products, including glass cleaners and degreasers, will damage the acrylic face.

If you have any issues maintaining your signage, don’t hesitate to call a professional to help.


Get New Channel Letter Signs From Tupp Signs

How long will illuminated channel letter signs last? It depends on the materials, placement, and the LED lights inside. That said, you can expect your signs to last at least 5 years, but they can stay illuminated and beautiful for much longer with proper maintenance.

Tupp Signs can help you with all your business signage needs, whether it is the fabrication of new channel letter signs or repairing the ones you already have. Our team has been serving the region for over 90 years, so you can trust you are getting exceptional service. Get in touch with us today by calling 866-324-7446 to learn more about what we can do for you.

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