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How Commercial Signs for Your NJ Business Can Increase Your Sales and Customer Loyalty

How Commercial Signs for Your NJ Business Can Increase Your Sales and Customer Loyalty

Business owners shouldn’t underestimate the value that a commercial sign can bring to their business. Every business owner will struggle to attract customers to their stores. Even in high-traffic areas, potential customers who enter your store will make or break your business. Let’s take a look at how commercial signs can boost the sales of your business.

Spreads Brand Awareness

Brand awareness lays a rock foundation for a prosperous business because entrepreneurs who broadcast their brand through diverse channels, such as with commercial signs, will make people more aware of their brand. Several market studies revealed how customers often choose a familiar brand more often than an unknown brand. You can work with sign companies in New Jersey to strategically plan your next commercial sign.

The most common signs used to build brand awareness include:

Attracting New Customers

One of the hardest things that you will ever do is to bring new customers into your shop. Research shows that a customer who has bought from you in the past is more likely to buy from you again in the future than a customer who never bought from you before.

Whenever you deal with a customer, you should think of them in terms of the lifetime value that you can earn from them. However, initiating that process requires doing things like getting commercial signs that can get them into your shop, to begin with. Once you bring them in, you must figure out how to keep them coming back. The sign will let you get the process started.

Many new customers react positively to neon signs, custom light signs and monument signs. The designers behind those signs made them to grab your attention.

Signs Never Stop Working for You

Now, let’s elaborate on this—illuminated signs will advertise your business 24 hours a day 7 days a week without the need to hire an employee. Especially if your competitor only buys a non-illuminated commercial sign, you can improve your visibility to customers. Think of it as a cheap advertisement because once you put it up, it usually only costs $1 per day to keep it running.

Most customers live within 5 miles of your business. Most of them will start to feel familiar with your business based on going past it every day. Especially when they drive past the sign every day, the sight of it may make them curious.

Make a Positive First Impression

An estimated 50 percent of customers surveyed by FedEx said that they wouldn’t do business with a brand that had a low-quality sign. When you work with New Jersey sign companies, you want to make sure that the end result will reflect high quality even if you pay more for it. The study from FedEx revealed that 68 percent of customers believe that a sign reflects the value of the products. What does that mean if you have a poor sign?

Imagine paying for a sign only to learn that it repels customers rather than attracts them. You want to work with a sign company that will listen to your needs and create a design that will compel customers to walk through the doors of your shop.

Directing Customers to Special Sales

What if you wish to drum up some action in your store? You can set up store signs to direct customers to your discounts, specials and clearances. Many of your biggest competitors do this all the time.

You can use signs in your store to direct customers to specific things in your store. This action will ensure that they never feel frustrated that they can’t find what they want. Not all customers will feel comfortable asking you where the specials are located. Instead, they will leave disappointed.

You want to make things in your store as easy to navigate as possible because it will help you to make more sales. Pay attention to how you do it as well. Your sign should grab your customers’ attention even from a distance, and they should be easy to read. Even if they weren’t looking for it, everyone loves a discount price or clearance items.

Why Use Digital Signs

Digital signs allow you to adjust your message when you want, and they can help you to highlight special sales whenever they arrive in your store. This can especially increase your sales while lowering your cost over time. Some studies suggest that digital signs can boost your revenue by as much as 29.5 percent, according to Small Business on Fire. Not only does this improve your sales, but it refines the customer experience to make it even better because it shows them more products that they might love. Great businesses hook customers up with what they need to improve their lives further, and you can better serve your customers while increasing your sales.

Final Thoughts

When you bring in commercial signs, it can improve your sales. Google, “Local sign company near me,” and you will encounter plenty of companies willing to help. However, few of them have the same history and respect as Tupp Signs, which has existed since 1928. The company enjoys helping businesses to perform better and blast their sales figures through the roof. If you’d like to learn more, you can call us at 302-322-1600.

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