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Are Pylon Signs Still Relevant?

Throughout many communities, you have probably come across a pylon sign. These signs are also known as pole signs, and they can definitely create a fantastic way for you to advertise your business. However, are pylon signs still relevant in the modern age? Here are some of the reasons why pylon signs remain suitable for many companies.

Match Up With Your Business

Pylon signs can create some excitement for your business. Today, many companies use digital marketing to reach out to customers. For those smaller communities, how do you advertise to the locals? With a pylon sign, you can create a professional image for your brand. These signs can be placed in the most visible spots. However, make sure you choose the right sign for your business. Not all pylon signs will work for your particular industry, but there are plenty of options in the marketplace. Find the right design that will capture the attention of prospective customers.

Keep Up Those Appearances

If you already have a sign for your business, what does it say about you? Old rusty signs could show that you don’t care about your company. Plus, those types of signs can drive away any potential customers. When you install a fresh and new pylon sign, it shows that you care about your company’s image.

When someone contacts you via a website, they have only a few images to judge your company. With a pylon sign, you can quickly draw attention throughout the neighborhood. Someone who doesn’t have time to search the internet can easily find your business with the help of a pylon sign.

Gear Up With Graphics

A cool-looking website can attract customers, but you could be missing out on the local market. With some amazing graphics, your pylon sign can be installed outside of your business. This type of advertisement can pay for itself in no time, and you will have stunning graphics that can create an exciting feel for your company. Pylon signs have been relevant for many years. Those signs are a perfect way to bring in some business.

Now that you know about the continued relevance of pylon signs, here are the benefits and disadvantages of this type of advertisement.

Pros of Pylon Signs

As you already know, pylon signs continue to be a relevant component for your business. Let’s look at the virtues of this type of signage.


If you have a big building, a pylon sign is a perfect choice for your business. You can list all the services and products that your company offers to the community.


With its significant height and space, you will have visibility throughout the entire area. Pylon signs are great at catching the attention of the neighborhood, and you could bring in business that didn’t initially set out to find your company.


In a crowded area, you want to stand out. Landscaping, other businesses, and even buildings can block your company from acquiring new clients. With a pylon sign, you don’t need to worry about that. Some of these signs can rise into the sky and provide an elevated message that everyone will see.


Pylon signs are the top choice for certain types of business. For example, malls and gas stations can advertise their business near the highway. In some cases, you don’t want to copy what others are doing in the neighborhood. However, in some situations, that could be the right choice for your business. Some customers can quickly identify with those taller signs. When they spot your sign, they are more than likely to use your services or purchase your products.

Cons of Pylon Signs

While there are plenty of benefits, there are some disadvantages to these signs.


Yes, this was listed as an advantage, but there could be some downsides to height. You want to have your pylon sign that is the appropriate height. However, when it starts to become an obtrusion, your space can be cluttered, and it takes away any benefit from your business.


Unfortunately, pylon signs do need a lot of material for their construction. If you want it to look professional, you need a team of knowledgeable installers and designers. You might even want to consult an engineer to make sure the installation site is stable and safe. With all of these professionals, you could have a higher bill for your pylon, but the benefits will make those costs worth it for you.


Finally, maintenance is always a drawback to these signs. If you choose an illuminated model, you want it to remain visible to your customers, especially nighttime. However, there is a chance that those lights can burn out. With that, you might create an unexpected message with your pylon sign. Your lights could create a nonsensical or humorous one. While that can make a customer laugh, it is not the most professional image you want to send to the community.

Due to the height, pylon signs are a little more challenging to maintain. You should always keep this disadvantage in mind when choosing a pylon sign for your business.

Pylon Signs Are Great Options

If you want your business to be seen, then it is time to think about pylon signs. You can install one to draw attention to your business or advertise your services. These signs are still relevant in the modern world, and they are a perfect way to attract those customers in your neighborhood.

If you are looking to design and install a pylon sign for your business, reach out to the experienced team at Tupp Signs. We can find the right options that will draw attention to your business. You can enjoy all those benefits of the pylon sign. Our company has been producing signs since 1928, and we are a family-owned business that strives to provide exceptional customer service. When you need a pylon sign for your business, make sure to contact our company. You can learn more about our business by giving us a call at 302-322-1600.


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