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Ways to Improve Your Electronic Message Center

Ways to Improve Your Electronic Message Center

Electronic message centers, or EMCs, are an up-and-coming form of digital signage that can truly make your business stand out. Though most organizations use electronic message centers to display valuable information, like opening hours and the weather, there are dozens of applications for this type of signage. You can improve the usefulness of your electronic message center in just a few steps.

To help you get started, here are 6 ways to improve your electronic message center and generate more interest in your business, services, and products:

1. Grab Attention With Movement and Visuals

When you have signage, you need to draw attention to it. Otherwise, you can’t display your message. This is why digital signage and EMCs are fantastic because you can do both at once. Electronic message centers will have a great impact wherever you put them, but if you position them in high-traffic areas, you will see the effect.

Some examples of this include creating a street or window display full of engaging visuals. With a business located on a main thoroughfare, you are bound to get a lot of commuter and pedestrian traffic. With a captivating electronic message center, you could take advantage of your windows or sidewalk and advertise at will.

You can also use electronic message centers to show customers other locations and services that would interest them. For example, if one location has a production that the current one doesn’t, show that off. Explain how the visitors can access this item or service, particularly if they can do it online.

With a flexible range of customization options, electronic message centers excel at grabbing attention. Add colors and effects to your messages to turn heads even faster.

2. Boost Your Social Media Engagement

Social media has been an influential force in the marketing world these past few years. Businesses of all sizes need to keep up and utilize social media if they want to survive.

You can easily boost social media engagement by incorporating your accounts into your digital signage. Promote your accounts on your electronic message center, followed by the words “follow,” “subscribe,” or “like.” These are words that people are primed to react to—and they will if they like what you do!

Advertising your social media accounts on your EMC is a cost-effective way of building a community and getting more engagement online. You can even include QR codes on the digital displays in your store that take people directly to your latest pictures or media.

3. Feature Customer Testimonials and Interactions

Since we’ve already mentioned boosting your social media marketing tactics with EMCs, it also makes sense to focus on your customer interactions. Your digital signage can be used to display product information that will please your customers, but you can also use real-life testimonials, reviews, comments, and user-generated content to make your advertisements even more relatable.

People are always looking for businesses that have positive interactions with customers. Once potential clients see how great your products or services are, they will be more willing to give you a chance.

4. Make Wait Times More Fun

EMCs can be simple or intricate; some of the more expensive models can even display crisp high-resolution video. Amusement parks are one venue that has discovered how useful digital signage can be when there are loads of guests and not enough rides. The customer experience can be improved when they’re entertained. And you can do that with electronic message centers.

For instance, you can display interactive ads, games, and other forms of entertainment to keep customers distracted. Maybe they’ll even forget there was a wait time.

 5. Educate The Viewers

Now that you have customers in the store, you can take the time to educate and entertain them while they shop or wait. You can showcase your services or products with informative ads. Put the most popular or valuable products in the spotlight on your digital signage. You can announce discounts, upcoming products, featured services, and events so that everyone in the store can take advantage.

You can also get people hyped up with product demos. Since text-based instructions and descriptions only have so much driving power, having a video detailing all the great things your products do or what a service entails will truly capture the customers. It’s an excellent tactic for attracting people who are new to the store and want more information before buying in.

Another way to educate the viewers is to show them more about your brand or the industry. Give them updates about trends, share news, introduce influential people, and more. You don’t have to restrict the news to happenings within your business either. Show as much of the industry as you’d like.

6. Create an Additional Revenue

Digital signage within your business is a unique way to advertise your products and services and social media for free, but have you thought about generating revenue from other ads as well? You can show advertisements from non-competing businesses in your area, especially if it aligns with your target audience. This not only provides something of value for your customers, but it gives you a chance to build up other brands and businesses in your vicinity, which will increase your reputation.


Improving your electronic message center doesn’t require any major changes or new software. In fact, it simply requires some patience. Rethink your marketing strategies and use your EMC and other forms of digital signage to get more engagement from your customers. Rather than just telling them information, give them reasons to interact with your business. You’ll see an increase in interest and even more people coming through the front door.

Tupp Signs has a wide selection of EMCs to choose from for your business. Let us help you improve your signage today. Give us a call to schedule an appointment or ask one of our helpful team members about our services.


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